Well, our summer adventure has officially ended. It was a bittersweet ending; we were all tired and ready for a break from camp, but we had a lot of fun. We enjoyed getting to see the way a bunch of different places run Bible camps, and we have a number of ideas for games and activities that will definitely be useful in the future. We've had the chance to serve in a variety of ways and also to be learners at each camp. We are thankful to every camp we went to for taking us in for a week or so. We hugely appreciate it. Thank you also to all of you, for support both through prayer and finances. It was comforting knowing that there were people praying for us throughout the summer.
So now we all jump into life at PRBI; Kendra as staff, and the rest of us as students. One adventure has ended, but the next has just begun.
blessings on you all,
Kimmie on behalf of Kendra, Heather and Andrew

Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Our last time in the van, sniff. We gave Jarvis a good cleaning, took him out for one last trip to the gas station, and parked him for good. It was a sad moment, knowing team was over.
Sunday, 19 August 2012
Hi Blog Friends,
So here we are sitting at the beginning of our final week of camp this summer. Wow, I can't believe it! At this time next week, we will be anticipating the start of Leadership Training Week here at good ol' PRBI. The team was talking about how we will miss travelling together in the van. In some ways it feels like we have become a tight little family (poor Andrew now has three extra sisters). All summer long, it has been our great encouragement to know that we have extended family in you all. Thank you for your prayers, your financial support, for feeding us on the weekends, for asking us how we are doing, for letters, for calls, for cookies...
As for an update about our camps, well, last week we were at Sturgeon Lake Bible Camp and the week before that we were at Bear Lake Bible Camp. Bear Lake was a huge encouragement to us because in some ways it felt like coming home. We have loved all our camps this summer but it is always nice to go to a familiar location. While the staff encouraged us, it broke our hearts as we saw the lostness of the kids. It is such an exercise in trust to invest everything that God gives you in a week of camp, when there doesn't seem to be much fruit. How does one convey the gospel to those who seem so blind to truth? All we can do is trust that God is good and that He is in control.
Sturgeon Lake, too, felt like a place where it was easy to belong. I, personally, was encouraged about the intentionality at SLBC of using every moment and opportunity to testify to Christ. It was a Sturgeon Lake that I was really challenged to reinvest today all that God gives today. Sometimes it seemed like I wouldn't be able to last until bedtime, but somehow always I was able to finish telling the bedtime story. Another thing I learned was to just stop and listen. In different situations I found myself becoming easily thrown off by things that didn't matter. One day during singing in chapel, I stopped listening so self-centredly to my own voice, and listened to the 8 year old beside me who was enthusiastically and joyfully belting out Revelation Song. She told me later that this was her favourite song. It was the favourite of most of the camp. Another day, a girl needed a towel and all of the extra towels were used, I was about to walk back to the cabin and tell her I couldn't find one when I stopped. The verses about giving our brother our extra coat and the other verse about the widow putting in all the money she had came to mind. I had a towel and I didn't need it; why not offer her my own towel? God gives us energy today. Who knows if we will need it tomorrow? What are we holding back for? What do I need that God will refuse to supply me with? Am I only actually afraid of seeing how much I need Him?
Now to learn how to balance this with Sabbaths. Ah, the balance of the Christian life. How do I live focused on the prize?
Well, tomorrow at around noon we pull out for our final camp: teen camp at David Thompson Bible Camp. We would love your prayers as we are low on energy, the remains of a cold are kicking around and I seem to have a problem with my ribs that inhibits laughing and running. We would also appreciate your prayers as we need to recharge physically, mentally, emotionally and most importantly spiritually, before school.
For the rest of the crew (Heather, Andrew and Kimmie),
Kendra :)
So here we are sitting at the beginning of our final week of camp this summer. Wow, I can't believe it! At this time next week, we will be anticipating the start of Leadership Training Week here at good ol' PRBI. The team was talking about how we will miss travelling together in the van. In some ways it feels like we have become a tight little family (poor Andrew now has three extra sisters). All summer long, it has been our great encouragement to know that we have extended family in you all. Thank you for your prayers, your financial support, for feeding us on the weekends, for asking us how we are doing, for letters, for calls, for cookies...
As for an update about our camps, well, last week we were at Sturgeon Lake Bible Camp and the week before that we were at Bear Lake Bible Camp. Bear Lake was a huge encouragement to us because in some ways it felt like coming home. We have loved all our camps this summer but it is always nice to go to a familiar location. While the staff encouraged us, it broke our hearts as we saw the lostness of the kids. It is such an exercise in trust to invest everything that God gives you in a week of camp, when there doesn't seem to be much fruit. How does one convey the gospel to those who seem so blind to truth? All we can do is trust that God is good and that He is in control.
Sturgeon Lake, too, felt like a place where it was easy to belong. I, personally, was encouraged about the intentionality at SLBC of using every moment and opportunity to testify to Christ. It was a Sturgeon Lake that I was really challenged to reinvest today all that God gives today. Sometimes it seemed like I wouldn't be able to last until bedtime, but somehow always I was able to finish telling the bedtime story. Another thing I learned was to just stop and listen. In different situations I found myself becoming easily thrown off by things that didn't matter. One day during singing in chapel, I stopped listening so self-centredly to my own voice, and listened to the 8 year old beside me who was enthusiastically and joyfully belting out Revelation Song. She told me later that this was her favourite song. It was the favourite of most of the camp. Another day, a girl needed a towel and all of the extra towels were used, I was about to walk back to the cabin and tell her I couldn't find one when I stopped. The verses about giving our brother our extra coat and the other verse about the widow putting in all the money she had came to mind. I had a towel and I didn't need it; why not offer her my own towel? God gives us energy today. Who knows if we will need it tomorrow? What are we holding back for? What do I need that God will refuse to supply me with? Am I only actually afraid of seeing how much I need Him?
Now to learn how to balance this with Sabbaths. Ah, the balance of the Christian life. How do I live focused on the prize?
Well, tomorrow at around noon we pull out for our final camp: teen camp at David Thompson Bible Camp. We would love your prayers as we are low on energy, the remains of a cold are kicking around and I seem to have a problem with my ribs that inhibits laughing and running. We would also appreciate your prayers as we need to recharge physically, mentally, emotionally and most importantly spiritually, before school.
For the rest of the crew (Heather, Andrew and Kimmie),
Kendra :)
Saturday, 4 August 2012
Hey everyone! Sorry it's taken so long to upload pics to our blog. Unfortunately, we haven't taken many pictures, but here are some. The top ones are the most recent. At Evergreen, we had a space theme dinner, as you can see (hopefully). We had a ton of fun dressing up for it!
Saturday, 28 July 2012
Headed to Camp Evrgreen
Hey Blog Buddies,
After weeks without communication, we would like to let you know that we are alive. We are currently taking a breather in the Tim Hortons in Rocky Mountain House. Turns out Rocky Mountain House does not have a Walmart by the way. But that's okay they have a Shopper's Drug Mart and we were able to stock up on cold medication.
Since we last checked in, we have been to Shiloh Youth Ranch and Ross Haven Bible Camp. Both were challenging and have put more youth on our hearts to pray for. Kimmie and I (Kendra) were able to experience a different side of camp when we were put in quarantine at Ross Haven. We were down with a bad cold and the Ross Haven people decided to not put the rest of the staff at rick of getting sick. So they managed without us as we slept and prayed and slept and prayed. Heather felt completely at home as Ross Haven had a beautiful boat and lake. Andrew loved the opportunity to lead the campers in a bannock roast. We appreciated the people, the good Bible teaching and the fresh fruit. Friday night after the kids left we enjoyed spending time with the staff out on the lake. We have decided that they all should come to PRBI (but apparently some of them have other plans or aren't old enough or something), we'll see...
Anyways, we're off to Evergreen. Catch you later, we would love to hear how your lives are going. Keep praying.
Signing off,
Kendra for Kimmie, Heather and Andrew
Sunday, 15 July 2012
Leavin' Luseland
So this post finds us just a couple hours after finishing our week of camp at Luseland Bible Camp. The campers are all gone and so are most of the staff. This means that the mosquitos have no one else to eat but we have shut the door and are hiding in the staff room. The laundry must be done so once in a while we risk it anyway and venture across the yard.
It has been an awesome week here at LBC and we are so glad to have had the opprotunity to be apart of God's service here. These kids came from all walks of life and backgrounds. It was neat to see how the staff cared about the personal needs of each camper. It was also encouraging to see how the staff desired to build each other up in their faith. What really impressed me with Luseland is how every part of the day gives glory to God or is an opprotunity for the kids to learn of God. If you ever want to be a part of a great camp experience, check out www.cssm.ca/luseland. We thank the Lord for the staff here. Please keep them in your prayers as they seek to serve God here.
Tomorrow we are headed to Shiloh Youth Ranch but today we are planning on relaxing and getting a good night's sleep. We also need to map out our route back across the border so that we can hit a Walmart and a Tim Hortons. Well, I should go and pack up our PRBI booth. Kimmie and Heather are currently out warring with the mosquitos as they load the washer for another round. Andrew, having completed his chores, is taking time out with his music and a slushie. The team sends you all our greetings. We can't wait to see you all and tell you all about our trip in person. More pictures should be coming up soon.
In Christ,
Kendra for Kimmie, Heather and Andrew
It has been an awesome week here at LBC and we are so glad to have had the opprotunity to be apart of God's service here. These kids came from all walks of life and backgrounds. It was neat to see how the staff cared about the personal needs of each camper. It was also encouraging to see how the staff desired to build each other up in their faith. What really impressed me with Luseland is how every part of the day gives glory to God or is an opprotunity for the kids to learn of God. If you ever want to be a part of a great camp experience, check out www.cssm.ca/luseland. We thank the Lord for the staff here. Please keep them in your prayers as they seek to serve God here.
Tomorrow we are headed to Shiloh Youth Ranch but today we are planning on relaxing and getting a good night's sleep. We also need to map out our route back across the border so that we can hit a Walmart and a Tim Hortons. Well, I should go and pack up our PRBI booth. Kimmie and Heather are currently out warring with the mosquitos as they load the washer for another round. Andrew, having completed his chores, is taking time out with his music and a slushie. The team sends you all our greetings. We can't wait to see you all and tell you all about our trip in person. More pictures should be coming up soon.
In Christ,
Kendra for Kimmie, Heather and Andrew
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Hi Blog Friends,
I am writing this amidst fighting off rampaging mosquitos and trying to remain cool(ish) in 30+ degree humid weather. In the winter I may occassionally wish for such heat, but now I know to be careful what you wish for. We are at Luseland Bible Camp this week. We arrived last night and camp started today. We are enjoying it a lot and feel blessed to be here as we are feeling so welcome despite being newbies. Its hard to believe but this is already our 6th camp. I sometimes think about the camps we have already been to and wonder how they are doing. I wonder if Josh and Bodie from Blue Bronna are still syling the sunglasses we gave them, if May from Circle Square Ranch is excited or sad to be returning to Germany soon, if the Bear Lake Bible Camp Staff have had anymore paintball wars without us, if the David Thompson Bible camp staff are surviving the mosquitos and if the Riverside Bible Camp staff have caught up on their sleep yet. It is crazy to think about how many people we have met already this summer.
Especially I wonder how the campers are doing. Some of them are searching for Christ and some of them do not yet understand what is available to them or that they need Him. I think that may be one of the most difficult parts of camp is leaving the people that we meet completely in God's hands. We often do not see the results of our labour and many times we are called to release hurting people back to hurtful situations. I am learning to leave people in God's hands and trust that whatever happens, God will be glorified. He will not give His glory away to another.
Please keep praying for our team. Also if you would like to support us financially please contact Peace River Bible Institute. Check its website at http://www.prbi.edu/ for information on how to contact the School. We would appreciate your participation in this ministry. It is not our ministry, it is God's alone.
Next Monday, we are headed to Shiloh Youth Ranch where we will get to see fellow student, Beth Herbert!
Well, I must go, I am falling asleep on my break time.
Sweating it out in Saskatchewan,
Kendra for Kimmie, Andrew and Heather.
I am writing this amidst fighting off rampaging mosquitos and trying to remain cool(ish) in 30+ degree humid weather. In the winter I may occassionally wish for such heat, but now I know to be careful what you wish for. We are at Luseland Bible Camp this week. We arrived last night and camp started today. We are enjoying it a lot and feel blessed to be here as we are feeling so welcome despite being newbies. Its hard to believe but this is already our 6th camp. I sometimes think about the camps we have already been to and wonder how they are doing. I wonder if Josh and Bodie from Blue Bronna are still syling the sunglasses we gave them, if May from Circle Square Ranch is excited or sad to be returning to Germany soon, if the Bear Lake Bible Camp Staff have had anymore paintball wars without us, if the David Thompson Bible camp staff are surviving the mosquitos and if the Riverside Bible Camp staff have caught up on their sleep yet. It is crazy to think about how many people we have met already this summer.
Especially I wonder how the campers are doing. Some of them are searching for Christ and some of them do not yet understand what is available to them or that they need Him. I think that may be one of the most difficult parts of camp is leaving the people that we meet completely in God's hands. We often do not see the results of our labour and many times we are called to release hurting people back to hurtful situations. I am learning to leave people in God's hands and trust that whatever happens, God will be glorified. He will not give His glory away to another.
Please keep praying for our team. Also if you would like to support us financially please contact Peace River Bible Institute. Check its website at http://www.prbi.edu/ for information on how to contact the School. We would appreciate your participation in this ministry. It is not our ministry, it is God's alone.
Next Monday, we are headed to Shiloh Youth Ranch where we will get to see fellow student, Beth Herbert!
Well, I must go, I am falling asleep on my break time.
Sweating it out in Saskatchewan,
Kendra for Kimmie, Andrew and Heather.
Sunday, 8 July 2012
Hello Blog Followers,
It has been only just over a week since the last post but so much has happened in that time. We first went to David Thompson Bible Camp for family camp. It was a time of good fellowship, hearing the Word and singing Christmas carols. Yes, one evening we sang Christmas carols for an hour! We were able to help out in the kitchen as well as give a hand with taking care of children. It was a blast and we are looking forward to returning there at the very end of our summer.
Last Sunday afternoon, we drove from DTBC to Riverside Bible Camp between Manning and Peace River. We were a little nervous going in because none of us had ever been there before but today as we left, we were sad that we were not returning later in the summer. At Riverside we had the opportunity to help lead cabins, help with activity times, go to the lake, go swimming, play games and participate in chapel. One of our favourite activities was the night game one day after evening chapel. Because we live in northern Alberta, however, we had to stay up late in order for it to be actually dark before we played. We appreciated the chapels a lot as we heard the speaker remind us of many truths. Our last evening the campers had a chance to share what they had been learning at campfire. One of them challenged me with a good reminder when they said, "Faith is not a chore, it is a privilege". How true, we would not have had this opprotunity if God had not chosen to send His Son into the world and have Him crucified for our sins. Please pray for these campers, as it can be all too common for them to commit to good choices at camp and then lose determination after camp.
Please pray also for us. We are at PRBI tonight but are headed to Saskatchewan tomorrow morning bright and early. I know that we are all starting to tire out a bit. We are learning a lot about how what God calls us to do, He supplies strength and ability to do. If at camp, His glory is best served but being crazy and wild with the campers, then He will sustain us, or if His glory is best served by us having a nap, or spending time doing something low key, then He will provide us with ability. We are also learning a lot about humility and service. It can be difficult for us to accept always being the ones who are new and learning especially when we are in leadership at PRBI but we look to Christ as our example. He humbled Himself, was found in appearance as a man (and was mistaken for a mere man) and became obedient to death on a cross, even though He was Lord of all. His humilty is much more amazing. Praise God for His Servant, who now can I serve?
Well, I must go and take my laundry from the dryer, but thank you for your prayers and financial support. If you would like to support our team, please get a hold of Peace River Bible Institute. All of their information is online at http://www.prbi.edu/.
God Bless,
Kendra for Kimmie, Andrew and Heather :)
It has been only just over a week since the last post but so much has happened in that time. We first went to David Thompson Bible Camp for family camp. It was a time of good fellowship, hearing the Word and singing Christmas carols. Yes, one evening we sang Christmas carols for an hour! We were able to help out in the kitchen as well as give a hand with taking care of children. It was a blast and we are looking forward to returning there at the very end of our summer.
Last Sunday afternoon, we drove from DTBC to Riverside Bible Camp between Manning and Peace River. We were a little nervous going in because none of us had ever been there before but today as we left, we were sad that we were not returning later in the summer. At Riverside we had the opportunity to help lead cabins, help with activity times, go to the lake, go swimming, play games and participate in chapel. One of our favourite activities was the night game one day after evening chapel. Because we live in northern Alberta, however, we had to stay up late in order for it to be actually dark before we played. We appreciated the chapels a lot as we heard the speaker remind us of many truths. Our last evening the campers had a chance to share what they had been learning at campfire. One of them challenged me with a good reminder when they said, "Faith is not a chore, it is a privilege". How true, we would not have had this opprotunity if God had not chosen to send His Son into the world and have Him crucified for our sins. Please pray for these campers, as it can be all too common for them to commit to good choices at camp and then lose determination after camp.
Please pray also for us. We are at PRBI tonight but are headed to Saskatchewan tomorrow morning bright and early. I know that we are all starting to tire out a bit. We are learning a lot about how what God calls us to do, He supplies strength and ability to do. If at camp, His glory is best served but being crazy and wild with the campers, then He will sustain us, or if His glory is best served by us having a nap, or spending time doing something low key, then He will provide us with ability. We are also learning a lot about humility and service. It can be difficult for us to accept always being the ones who are new and learning especially when we are in leadership at PRBI but we look to Christ as our example. He humbled Himself, was found in appearance as a man (and was mistaken for a mere man) and became obedient to death on a cross, even though He was Lord of all. His humilty is much more amazing. Praise God for His Servant, who now can I serve?
Well, I must go and take my laundry from the dryer, but thank you for your prayers and financial support. If you would like to support our team, please get a hold of Peace River Bible Institute. All of their information is online at http://www.prbi.edu/.
God Bless,
Kendra for Kimmie, Andrew and Heather :)
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Hey Blog Pals,
How are you all? I suppose that by now many of you are knee deep in summer. The team was realizing recently that we are already half way through the summer. I have been thinking lately about what it means to have a purposeful life, especially when times seems to fly by too fast to let you accomplish something substantial. This has stemmed from reading Genesis and Proverbs during my devotions. In 50 chapters, Genesis sums up hundreds of years of history. In 31 chapters, Proverbs tells a person how to live out the details of life. But it seems like often, no one sees the details, no one sees the struggle and perseverance it takes to live a godly life. I am not sure how to put it, but I want to encourage you all to live out the details not just in the things that are easier for other people to see. Jesus did many amazing things that were recorded in the Gospels, but He also lived every moment in such a way that the people following Him found reason to pay attention to what He said. The details matched the recorded events.
Please continue to pray for our team, that we would live lives of integrity especially in the details. We are beginning the longest tour of our summer tomorrow. This could be a tiring time, which may tempt us to take a break in the details. Please pray that we would always rely on the Lord in all circumstances and not on ourselves. Tomorrow we head to David Thompson Bible Camp, followed by Riverside Bible Camp, and Luseland Bible Camp, Camp Evergreen and Shiloh Youth Ranch (in no particular order because I can't find my schedule).
May God bless you all as you live out the joy of the Truth of God in the details of your life as well as the 'big' things.
-Kendra for Kimmie, Heather and Andrew.
How are you all? I suppose that by now many of you are knee deep in summer. The team was realizing recently that we are already half way through the summer. I have been thinking lately about what it means to have a purposeful life, especially when times seems to fly by too fast to let you accomplish something substantial. This has stemmed from reading Genesis and Proverbs during my devotions. In 50 chapters, Genesis sums up hundreds of years of history. In 31 chapters, Proverbs tells a person how to live out the details of life. But it seems like often, no one sees the details, no one sees the struggle and perseverance it takes to live a godly life. I am not sure how to put it, but I want to encourage you all to live out the details not just in the things that are easier for other people to see. Jesus did many amazing things that were recorded in the Gospels, but He also lived every moment in such a way that the people following Him found reason to pay attention to what He said. The details matched the recorded events.
Please continue to pray for our team, that we would live lives of integrity especially in the details. We are beginning the longest tour of our summer tomorrow. This could be a tiring time, which may tempt us to take a break in the details. Please pray that we would always rely on the Lord in all circumstances and not on ourselves. Tomorrow we head to David Thompson Bible Camp, followed by Riverside Bible Camp, and Luseland Bible Camp, Camp Evergreen and Shiloh Youth Ranch (in no particular order because I can't find my schedule).
May God bless you all as you live out the joy of the Truth of God in the details of your life as well as the 'big' things.
-Kendra for Kimmie, Heather and Andrew.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
We are at Joy Camp
JOY CAMP has been so much fun. We as a team have been at Bear Lake Bible Camp for a total of two weeks helping cabin lead a group of amazing people from the Grande Prairie area. Joy Camp is a camp for the disabled that allows them to not only get to experience camp but also to encounter God in new and fresh ways. Last week was the overnight camp and this week is day camp. Both weeks in my opinion have been a lot of fun. We have gained experience in areas we never really had before and were stretched many times. However I think that everyone should gain this type of experience. I have heard it said many times before that the disabled tend to give more to us then we think we will give to us.They blessed us greatly this week. Plus the staff we have served with are amazing. Special thanks to Corney and Evangeline Thiessen for making these two weeks possible. If you want to find out more about Joy camp or how you can help out next year follow this link! (Also look into volunteering at Joy Chapel...from my experience it is a lot of fun)http://cssm.ca/ab/CSSMJoyCamp.htm
Friday, 15 June 2012
I think that I can speak for everyone when I say that it was really hard for us all to leave Circle Square Ranch. To know that we were going back to the school for some time of rest was reassuring but also caused us to want to stay longer. However, as I have been reminded time and time again God puts us in the places that we go for a reason. We were at Circle Square Ranch for a time and we are so thankful for that, but now we need to have peace knowing that God knows we need the rest that we are experiencing now! I am really going to miss the time that we spent at Circle Square. We bring home to Sexsmith a lot of great memories. Our Next stop is Joy Camp at Bear Lake. I am really excited to get to be with friend I have met through Joy Chapel and to serve along side my brother who is a staff member that Bear Lake. We head out on Sunday and would appreciate your prayers as we do!
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Kendra serving lunch |
Heather showing off her new skills with the horses |
Kendra and Heather chilling out at the back of the kitchen |
Kimmie and May, a girl from Germany who is at Circle Square to help out for a while. |
Heather and a girl from one of the retreats. |
Showing off our aprons in the kitchen. |
The girls wing of the main building (the hotel) at Circle Square. |
Kendra rocking the ride on mower |
Andrew keeping busy with the weed whacker |
Andrew having fun with the horn that signals seconds at meal times |
Kimmie and a girl from one of the retreats after a fun trail ride. |
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