Saturday, 28 July 2012

Headed to Camp Evrgreen

Hey Blog Buddies,

After weeks without communication, we would like to let you know that we are alive. We are currently taking a breather in the Tim Hortons in Rocky Mountain House. Turns out Rocky Mountain House does not have a Walmart by the way. But that's okay they have a Shopper's Drug Mart and we were able to stock up on cold medication.

Since we last checked in, we have been to Shiloh Youth Ranch and Ross Haven Bible Camp. Both were challenging and have put more youth on our hearts to pray for. Kimmie and I (Kendra) were able to experience a different side of camp when we were put in quarantine at Ross Haven. We were down with a bad cold and the Ross Haven people decided to not put the rest of the staff at rick of getting sick. So they managed without us as we slept and prayed and slept and prayed. Heather felt completely at home as Ross Haven had a beautiful boat and lake. Andrew loved the opportunity to lead the campers in a bannock roast. We appreciated the people, the good Bible teaching and the fresh fruit. Friday night after the kids left we enjoyed spending time with the staff out on the lake. We have decided that they all should come to PRBI (but apparently some of them have other plans or aren't old enough or something), we'll see...

Anyways, we're off to Evergreen. Catch you later, we would love to hear how your lives are going. Keep praying.

Signing off,
Kendra for Kimmie, Heather and Andrew

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