Hello Blog Followers,
It has been only just over a week since the last post but so much has happened in that time. We first went to David Thompson Bible Camp for family camp. It was a time of good fellowship, hearing the Word and singing Christmas carols. Yes, one evening we sang Christmas carols for an hour! We were able to help out in the kitchen as well as give a hand with taking care of children. It was a blast and we are looking forward to returning there at the very end of our summer.
Last Sunday afternoon, we drove from DTBC to Riverside Bible Camp between Manning and Peace River. We were a little nervous going in because none of us had ever been there before but today as we left, we were sad that we were not returning later in the summer. At Riverside we had the opportunity to help lead cabins, help with activity times, go to the lake, go swimming, play games and participate in chapel. One of our favourite activities was the night game one day after evening chapel. Because we live in northern Alberta, however, we had to stay up late in order for it to be actually dark before we played. We appreciated the chapels a lot as we heard the speaker remind us of many truths. Our last evening the campers had a chance to share what they had been learning at campfire. One of them challenged me with a good reminder when they said, "Faith is not a chore, it is a privilege". How true, we would not have had this opprotunity if God had not chosen to send His Son into the world and have Him crucified for our sins. Please pray for these campers, as it can be all too common for them to commit to good choices at camp and then lose determination after camp.
Please pray also for us. We are at PRBI tonight but are headed to Saskatchewan tomorrow morning bright and early. I know that we are all starting to tire out a bit. We are learning a lot about how what God calls us to do, He supplies strength and ability to do. If at camp, His glory is best served but being crazy and wild with the campers, then He will sustain us, or if His glory is best served by us having a nap, or spending time doing something low key, then He will provide us with ability. We are also learning a lot about humility and service. It can be difficult for us to accept always being the ones who are new and learning especially when we are in leadership at PRBI but we look to Christ as our example. He humbled Himself, was found in appearance as a man (and was mistaken for a mere man) and became obedient to death on a cross, even though He was Lord of all. His humilty is much more amazing. Praise God for His Servant, who now can I serve?
Well, I must go and take my laundry from the dryer, but thank you for your prayers and financial support. If you would like to support our team, please get a hold of Peace River Bible Institute. All of their information is online at
God Bless,
Kendra for Kimmie, Andrew and Heather :)